Wednesday, October 13, 2010

cultivating for growth

growth in church, just like growth anywhere else cannot be forced. What's it mean then to cultivates soil? Well, it's giving to soil the best environment to grow; it's being focused solely on making sure you do everything in your power to provide the right environment that something may grow in. Not focused on the growth (and that means not being focused on the success), but being focused on doing the best at what you do (as the farmer).

So the two things introduced were a correct environment and the hard work/mastery required to provide the proper conditions. To do that you have to know the soil type, you have to know what external forces influence what you have control over. A proper environment that may stimulate growth is not only non-hostile, it is honest, caring and serving/giving. In the short term, things can grow if you care about the success of it; however, one thing to consider is that God defines success very differently than humans do. A successful "anything" allows God to use it and allowing God to work..cuz sometimes God doesn't want things to work out... a right environment is hard thing to cultivate, but it should be at highest priority.

1 comment:

  1. Also a side note on this is the fact that sometimes there are roadblocks for growth and that doesn't always mean you choose another path. I know because I have eye problems at this present moment, I cannot get a pilot's license. Truth be told, I have wanted to be a pilot since I was little. What can I do? everything in my power until I reach the roadblock. This is similar to the concept of cultivating a good environment for something to grow. If there comes a time when I can see out of my eyes or there comes a time when the rules change about getting a license, if I hadn't taken the first steps, acquiring a license would be so much harder.
