Monday, August 30, 2010


Being back at school, I am left to reevaluate the way in which I do things and why I do the things I do. Basic psychology says that a person's instincts never change. An introvert will always be inclined towards being an introvert and same with an extrovert (this is a less than perfect illustration of what i mean by "instinct"). I guess one thing I am striving to learn this semester is myself (because logic would tell me that my instincts never change, so all I really have to do is learn my instincts rather than form them)! The day I become an expert about Kyle; let go of all my false pretenses, which come with retrospective analysis; and actively seek to better myself of the sin (not personality faults) which corrupt my character, is the day I will truly know myself; thus I shall give the devil a run for his money. (cf. my instinct vs. appetite article two blog-posts lower)

I believe that a person succumbs to peer pressure because he does not know his limits and isn't self confident in his ability/desire to say "no." I do however know that almost 100% of children vow at one time or another in their life (perhaps when going through D.A.R.E.) to not give into the things which so ineluctably await them. therefore, one should assume that when a person learns about himself and quits living passively, he'll be much stronger of an individual. To tangent, I have studied and thought a lot about the process of enlightenment recently because it is believed that enlightenment comes from within and it is an act to which the "self" becomes evident. Enlightenment isn't a mystical concept, except thast it is the Holy Spirit who reveals rather that the "all."

So here's my plan: I will learn to listen to other people and not wait with something to retort. I will listen and invest my time to a select few individuals this semester and grow together with them. But lastly, I will not use any foreknowledge I have to "remove the speck from my neighbor's eye" because, I admit, there is a log in my own. I want to get to know myself and there's no better way to do that than to observe myself and the way I way I am inclined to act socially, emotionally, etc. I do believe that people are simple beings who involve themselves in a mess of drama. Enlightenment, just like what I am striving to do, involves removing myself from the drama, quieting myself, and making simple but earnest observations.

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