Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a random quote picked from a conversation

People that seek out a treasure are at one point or another disillusioned by its allure. People that look around and find a treasure in what they already have are the treasure hunters in my book.

cultivating for growth

growth in church, just like growth anywhere else cannot be forced. What's it mean then to cultivates soil? Well, it's giving to soil the best environment to grow; it's being focused solely on making sure you do everything in your power to provide the right environment that something may grow in. Not focused on the growth (and that means not being focused on the success), but being focused on doing the best at what you do (as the farmer).

So the two things introduced were a correct environment and the hard work/mastery required to provide the proper conditions. To do that you have to know the soil type, you have to know what external forces influence what you have control over. A proper environment that may stimulate growth is not only non-hostile, it is honest, caring and serving/giving. In the short term, things can grow if you care about the success of it; however, one thing to consider is that God defines success very differently than humans do. A successful "anything" allows God to use it and allowing God to work..cuz sometimes God doesn't want things to work out... a right environment is hard thing to cultivate, but it should be at highest priority.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

a new thought on responsibilities

I was under the misguided understanding that as an unhitched college student I have very few, if not any, responsibilities. Again, this was misguided. I was wrong and I don't mind admitting it.
Of course, legally I can justify so many immoral things with almost minimal effort, but this isn't really how I (or anyone else if I may venture a guess) want to live my life.
If a person doesn't do what God wants him/her to do, sure he/she is affected, but who else is directly and indirectly affected, too? If Joshua never and faith, Israel would have never seen the promise land. There, clearly an entire nation is affected by the choice of one man. Here, however, is a new example (which I heard from Andy Stanley). If Esau, not having children at this point, took his identity very seriously, he wouldn't have sold his birthright for a bowl of stew. His children wouldn't have lived in constant warfare; neither would their children have. And the Messiah who would redeem the entire world would have come from his line. Instead of curses and hatred from the Lord, Esau would have been blessed as the firstborn grandson of Abraham. So, who is affected now? Your children! Your children who you will one day never want to hurt and want the best for. Their best will now only be the half battered future which you laid a foundation for. It's a sobering thought and it's all related to a silly bowl of stew.
It was one of the worst trades in the history of mankind, but to Esau when he traded it, it wasn't bad at all. Esau thought he was going to die of starvation. And here's the thought even further... we all would have sold our birthright. Of course we would have if it was the right bowl of stew. If it would satisfy the right appetite--I see it all the time. Marriages fall to pieces because stupidly one sees a bowl of stew and at that moment forget his/her children. He/she forgets the legacy that will ensue and such a beautiful strong thing such as marriage is NOT WORTH A BOWL OF STEW!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

gracefully spoken words.. apology

I have to admit something. I have been not only neglecting my blog and making new posts, but I've also been doing it selfishly. This world has many cooks and is searching for chefs, the guys who have the ideas. For a while, I hesitated putting up lyrics beacuse I feared they were compromised online; I also didn't post certain thoughts because they were my favorite thoughts. I have ideas, but how often do I forget theat these very ideas come into my mind and not other minds only by the grace of God? My stuardship over the thoughts that God gives me is really directly related to the value I place over these thoughts. My originality and creativity as well; one day I could wake up and my ability to think could be very much gone!

No, my blog should be to encourage, to urge and spur people towards what is right, and it shouldn't be "me" centralized. Afterall, I originally started it to be an encouragement to anyone who may happen to stumble upon it. I guess I've just noticed a pattern in my writing, it's getting cockier and more obnoxious. That's really not what I want someone who takes time out of their life to read my words to come away with, thoughts about what a nice idea I have. I wish to communicate gracefully the art in my emotional labor. Art is, after all, a gift! If art ceases to be a gift, I think that it ceases to be art. The fact that is given at a great cost to the artist is the value that changes the culture, not the thing itself. Just think about people who copy the Mona Lisa ten times a day with oil paint to turn over a profit. that's not art; that's just a sad misrepresentation of the true inpired work.