Sunday, October 10, 2010

a new thought on responsibilities

I was under the misguided understanding that as an unhitched college student I have very few, if not any, responsibilities. Again, this was misguided. I was wrong and I don't mind admitting it.
Of course, legally I can justify so many immoral things with almost minimal effort, but this isn't really how I (or anyone else if I may venture a guess) want to live my life.
If a person doesn't do what God wants him/her to do, sure he/she is affected, but who else is directly and indirectly affected, too? If Joshua never and faith, Israel would have never seen the promise land. There, clearly an entire nation is affected by the choice of one man. Here, however, is a new example (which I heard from Andy Stanley). If Esau, not having children at this point, took his identity very seriously, he wouldn't have sold his birthright for a bowl of stew. His children wouldn't have lived in constant warfare; neither would their children have. And the Messiah who would redeem the entire world would have come from his line. Instead of curses and hatred from the Lord, Esau would have been blessed as the firstborn grandson of Abraham. So, who is affected now? Your children! Your children who you will one day never want to hurt and want the best for. Their best will now only be the half battered future which you laid a foundation for. It's a sobering thought and it's all related to a silly bowl of stew.
It was one of the worst trades in the history of mankind, but to Esau when he traded it, it wasn't bad at all. Esau thought he was going to die of starvation. And here's the thought even further... we all would have sold our birthright. Of course we would have if it was the right bowl of stew. If it would satisfy the right appetite--I see it all the time. Marriages fall to pieces because stupidly one sees a bowl of stew and at that moment forget his/her children. He/she forgets the legacy that will ensue and such a beautiful strong thing such as marriage is NOT WORTH A BOWL OF STEW!

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