Saturday, July 10, 2010

in an effort against culinary ostinato

If I learned one thing during my Discovery camping trip at Gordon this last semester, it’s that (in extreme circumstances) crackers and just about any topping you can find taste amazing together. After hiking eight hours and exhaustively breaking for lunch, you’d think just about anything is edible—so my group tried some very strange combinations; you know the type of concoction you could imagine paying someone to eat back in grade school... these were worse.

One of the most popular bases to our concoctions was peanut butter; any combination you could possibly think of, we tried it. Peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter and cheese, peanut butter and mustard (okay, I’ll stop there). However to my astonishment, some of these concoctions still taste good (under normal circumstances!!). Okay not all of them, but you can mix peanut butter with almost anything and create a new original recipe while retaining that distinct peanut butter taste. For example: coconut oil, chocolate syrup, hazelnut, vanilla extract, and maple syrup even tastes good in small quantities. Even chocolate chips make for an interesting sandwich (especially with banana)!

Those are among the few I made today as I tried to remedy the lack of interesting food in the house. Try it out; spice up the kitchen! (Actually I take that back. Please don’t add conventional spices to peanut butter. That would be horrendous.)

*Disclaimer—I take no responsibility for any foul-tasting first attempts. But I do take full responsibility for sandwiches, which bring happiness, haha

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